Addresses and telephone numbers of interest

Emergency phones and essential services

ServiceService in SpanishPhone
General EmergenciesEmergencias Generales112
SAMUR – Civil ProtectionSAMUR – Protección Civil092
Madrid City Fire DepartmentBomberos ciudad de Madrid080
Fire Department of the Community of MadridBomberos Comunidad de Madrid085
Pharmacies on duty in MadridFarmacias de guardia en Madrid098
Madrid City Hall Emergency RoomUrgencias Ayuntamiento de Madrid+34 913 881 989
National PolicePolicía Nacional091
Municipal PolicePolicía Municipal092
Madrid City HallAyuntamiento de Madrid010 / +34 915 881 000
Community of MadridComunidad de Madrid012
Madrid MetroMetro de Madrid+34 902 444 403
Renfe (trains)Renfe (trenes)+34 902 240 202
E.M.T. BusesAutobuses E.M.T.+34 902 507 850
Main Bus Station (South Station)Estación Sur de Autobuses+34 914 684 200
Barajas AirportAeropuerto de Barajas+34 913 058 343
Barajas Police StationComisaría de Policía de Barajas+34 91 301 09 00
State Administration InformationInformación de la Administración del Estado+34 912 731 400
Information Office Ministry of InteriorOficina de Información Ministerio del Interior+34 900 150 000
Madrid Information and
Tourism Office (Plaza Mayor)
Oficina Información y Turismo
de Madrid (Plaza Mayor)
+34 91 588 16 36
National Direction of TrafficDirección Nacional de Tráfico+34 900 123 505

Foreign Embassies and Consulates in Madrid

Other services of interest

1) Citizen Orientation of the Community of Madrid

To guide and advise the citizen, receive and process suggestions and complaints, as well as perform registration functions and coordinate the “Ventanilla Única”.

c/ Gran Vía, 3 – 28013 Madrid

Main phone: Teléfono 012

For registration inquiries: 91 720 09 13


From Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Attention in person:

From Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

2) Youth Office of the Community of Madrid

Paseo de Recoletos, 7-9, planta baja – 28004 Madrid

Telephone: 901 51 06 10


Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

3) Madrid City Hall

Phone: 010

Addresses: Search on this

4) Application for exchange of Driving Licenses, management of fines, registrations

Ministry of Interior (Dirección Nacional de Tráfico – DGT)

Provincial Headquarters of the Dirección Nacional de Tráfico

c/ Arturo Soria, 143 – 28043 Madrid

Telephone: 060

5) Application for asylum and refuge in Spain

Ministry of Interior (Asylum and Refugee Office)

c/ Pradillo, 10 – Metro: Alfonso XII

6) Application for social security affiliation, health care card, registrations, and cancellations

Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social (INSS)

Phone: 900 166 565

7) Taxes

Agencia Tributaria (Tax Office)

Phone: 901 200 345

8) Application for Spanish Nationality, registration of birth and marriage

Ministry of Justice (Municipal Civil Registry of Madrid)

c/ Pradillo, 66 – Metro: Alfonso XII

9) Request for the legalization of foreign and Spanish official documentation

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation

c/ Juan de Mena, 4 – Metro: Banco de España

Applications for foreigners: Residence and work permits. Applications for registration of community members, the residence of family members of community members and student stays.

10) Foreigners’ Information Office

c/ Manuel Luna, 29 – Metro: Estrecho

Foreigners’ Offices:

c/ Silva, 19 – Metro: Callao

c/ García de Paredes, 65 – Metro: Gregorio Marañón

c/ Manuel Luna, 29 – Metro: Estrecho

Avda. Plaza de Toros, 14 – Metro: Vista Alegre

c/ Faustino, 23 (esquina a la c/ Sebastián Francisco, 22) – Metro: Canillejas

c/ del Fuego, 26 – Metro: Marqués de Valdivia [Alcobendas]

c/ San Nicasio, 31 – Metro: Leganés Central

c/ Mar del Norte, 5 (esquina c/ Puerto de Algeciras con c/ Mar Cantábrico) – Coslada

Provincial Brigade of Foreigners and Documentation

Avda. de los Poblados, s/n – Metro: Aluche

Government Delegation in Madrid

ppointment by Internet at