Lyrics in Spanish with exercise: La Vida Sigue Igual, Julio Iglesias

La Vida Sigue Igual is one of the most famous songs of Julio Iglesias, one of greatest Spanish singers of all time.

In this video, you can see an early recording of the song at RTVE (Radio and Televisión Española) in 1968, performed by a very young Iglesias, who preserved the same charming and singular voice during his whole career. With this song Julio Iglesias won the Benidorm Music Festival, becoming the first hit of this artist, followed by a constant success worldwide until these days.

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Video: La Vida Sigue Igual

Exercise: La Vida Sigue Igual

Exercise: La Vida Sigue Igual

Lyrics with translation: La Vida Sigue Igual

Spanish and passion courses (Spanish culture)

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