Password: vocabulary game to learn Spanish

Password: vocabulary game to learn Spanish

We begin our entry by referring to an anecdote from the book Aprender y enseñar vocabulario:

A professor of classical Greek used to say that in order to learn a word it was necessary to have “seen” it at least five times. The first time, it is clear that we do not know it; the second time, we admit that we did not remember it; the third time, we admit that we had already seen it; the fourth time, we confess that we had forgotten it; and the fifth time, we are so angry that we do not know it yet that we learn it so as not to forget it again.

On this occasion we leave you with a fun activity to revise vocabulary in class. To develop this game we have based it on the TV game Password, a word game where two pairs compete to guess the highest number of words. Instructions: we divide the cards into pairs or groups, one member of the pair has to give the clues for his or her partner to guess. There is one condition: the clues must be a single word, you can use synonyms, antonyms, analogies, hyperonyms, etc. but not definitions. If you want to make it more exciting, we recommend that you use a stopwatch and set a time limit. Our activity is designed for A2 level, all the words are taken from the PCIC Level A2 Specific Notions inventory, but it can be played at all levels. We hope you like it and that you enjoy it as much as we do. Author: Mª Jesús Hernández García

Download file for the game Password in PDF
