Emilia and Jorge: training course “Objetivo ser ser profesor/a ELE”.

Emilia and Jorge: Course Objective to become an ELE teacher

Emilia López and Jorge Martín took part in our last training course “Objetivo ser profesor/a ELE” in 2015. During this month they have not only attended different workshops, they have also observed our Spanish classes and taught some class sessions. This was Emilia’s evaluation of the course. Thank you both for your participation, and we hope to see you again soon at TANDEM Madrid, and that you will be very successful in your teaching career.

1. What did you like most about the course?
The interaction with the different teachers and also the workshops were all very interesting.

2. What tools have you learnt that you think will be most useful in your work as an ELE teacher?
I have learnt different sources, materials, manuals, etc. The truth is that I have learned a lot of resources.

3. Of all the workshops you have participated in, which one has been the most interesting for you?
The Resources and Materials workshop and the Group Dynamics workshop.

4. Of all the dynamics and activities you have worked on, is there one that you particularly liked?
During class observation I really liked the activity in which the students had to put the pronouns on the board with cards. I was very surprised how they did it without “knowing” how to do it. I have learnt a lot of dynamics that I didn’t know and a different way of teaching.

5. How did you feel teaching your first class sessions?
The experience has been very good, the students have been very involved.

6. How has this course changed the way you see the teaching-learning process?
I have realised that grammar can be induced, and that students understand it and are able to apply it.

7. What are your goals now?
I would like to continue my education and find a job, of course.

These are the first activities they designed for the class. These are two warm-ups designed for A2 level.

Clothing taboo

Content: Clothing vocabulary.
Instructions: Each student describes the word on their card without using the forbidden words. Your colleagues will have to guess it.

View PDF file

What’s in your bag…?

Content: Vocabulary objects that we carry in our bag or rucksack.
Instructions: In the ppt presentation you will find pictures of three famous people. We ask the pupils what they think these characters usually carry in their bags or rucksacks. Once they have guessed, we can ask them to try to find out what the teacher and their classmates are wearing.

Emilia and Jorge: Objective to be an ELE teacher course - 2
