Calendar of Teacher Training Courses (FPELE) for summer 2013, organised by the Menéndez Pelayo International University.
- Teaching second languages to immigrants
- Dramatic play in the ELE classroom: an effective tool for developing communicative competence.
- Spanish Abroad: Introductory course on cultural management
- Literature and Gastronomy: two aspects of our culture with a good pairing
- Planning standards: basic techniques and tools. Cómo adaptar la enseñanza a los contextos escolares
- From face-to-face to virtual teaching. Changes in foreign language teaching action
- Development and management of examinations linked to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Procedures, techniques and tools
- Specialisation course for Spanish teachers: linguistic and cultural improvement and the use of ICTs.
- Tareas en el aula: de la investigación a la práctica docente
- Introducción a la práctica del método del caso en el aula de español para fines específicos
- Introduction to the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language to Chinese and Japanese learners
- Workshops to bring the media into the ELE classroom
- TIC en el aula ELE: comunicación y metodología en entornos virtuales
- Applications of text corpora to ELE teaching
- Spanish Abroad: basic training for assistants, visiting teachers and new Spanish teachers
- Updating the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language
- Description: cervantes Initial training in the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language