Language exchange parties in May 2016

La Nata Montada exchange
Many people were able to participate in our language exchange parties in May 2016. And we are also very happy to have opened new places that make everything easier for us.

Our first proposal was on Tuesday 10th at La Nata Montada, a place very close to our school, with a cosy atmosphere, friendly and attentive staff and delicious tapas that our students appreciated. But the best thing was the relaxed and pleasant chat we had in Spanish or English, which went on until after 9pm. In June we will meet again at La Nata Montada with new proposals and people eager to exchange.

The Traveller exchangeAnd our second date was last Thursday at The Traveller, in the heart of Malasaña, a place with a lot of charm and a lot of travellers willing to share their experiences and languages. Many of our students attended and also others who are not but who are also welcome and we hope to see all of them at the next one, also in June.

And finally, we also welcome the collaboration of Myriam, a German teacher, who from now on will be at our meetings with a lot of joy and enthusiasm to make everyone speak German, and who has also written to us her impressions of this first time.

We hope that those of you who have already come will come again in June, that those of you who have not yet been able to attend will sign up, and that you will invite friends and people interested in this fun experience.

This is how Myriam tells us her point of view on the event (in German, for native German speakers or those who want to practice).

Myriam and Susana Unser kleiner Start in die TANDEM / Intercambio Saison war ein Selbstläufer. Aus der einen Ecke hörte man englisch, aus der anderen sah man rauchende Köpfe die Bedeutung von “auf den Mund fallen” vormachen, umschreiben, lachend darstellen. Irgendjemand gab immer “seinen Senf dazu”und die Gruppen mischten sich ganz von allein, um den Sinn der spanischen und deutschen Redewendungen herauszufinden. Wir hatten zu Beginn des Abends verschiedene Kärtchen verteilt, auf die wir jeweils spanische und deutsche Sprichwörter geschrieben hatten. Man musste nun die Bedeutung mithilfe eines jeweiligen Muttersprachlers ermitteln und nach ähnlichen Redewendungen in seiner eigenen Sprache suchen. Wir waren alle gekennzeichnet mit Schildchen mit unserer Muttersprache, geschrieben auf der Sprache, auf der wir am liebsten sprechen wollten.

Die Bar ist wirklich authentisch und passt perfekt! Wir freuen uns schon sehr auf die nächste Veranstaltung.
“Die gefährlichste Weltanschauung ist die derer, die die Welt nie angeschaut haben” und manchmal bedarf es nicht einmal direkt einem onewayticket ans andere Ende der Welt, sondern ein einfacher “Tandem” in einer coolen Bar in deiner Stadt um die verschiedensten Leute aus den unterschiedlichsten Ländern kennenzulernen!

If you would like to participate in such an exchange and find out more about how it works, please see our page on TANDEM language exchanges.

Here are some photos we have taken at both venues.

La Nata Montada 02 Exchange La Nata Montada 04 Exchange La Nata Montada 03 Exchange The Traveller 02 Exchange

The Traveller 03 Exchange The Traveller 04 Exchange The Traveller 05 Exchange
