Visit of Fabiana Moura, Cidadão do Mundo Programme (Spanish)

This week we had the pleasure of receiving Miss Fabiana Moura, coordinator of the Cidadão do Mundo Programme, to supervise the smooth running of the programme and to talk to the students who are in our school.

We have mentioned the Cidadão do Mundo Programme on several occasions, and published the experiences of its students at TANDEM Madrid. But what is it and why is it important?

About the World Citizen Programme

Cidadão do Mundo This is a study-abroad programme with an emphasis on languages, mainly English, Spanish and French, promoted by the Government of the State of Maranhãoof Brazil, through the Secretary of State da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (SECTI) and the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico do Maranhão (FAPEMA). The Cidadão do Mundo Programme offers scholarships to young people aged 18 to 24 from the state’s public school network, or who have completed secondary education in schools linked to non-profit organisations.

The main objective of the programme is to promote students’ skills and stimulate their personal and professional growth through learning stays abroad in collaboration with entities such as TANDEM Madrid. To this end, up to 300 study grants will be awarded in 2016, 2017 and 2018 for language exchange, international internships and secondary education abroad. Thanks to these scholarships, students will have the opportunity to spend up to 3 months in another country learning the local language and culture with all expenses paid by the Brazilian government. For us, more than the satisfaction of receiving new students, it is an opportunity to collaborate with this important social work carried out by the state of Maranhão.

Fabiana Moura had the opportunity to visit the school and speak with the entire team of Spanish teachers, as well as with the directors of TANDEM Madrid, Begoña Llovet and Matilde Cerrolaza.

He also had the opportunity to visit some of the families where the students stay. These families are part of the success of the programme, as they make the student’s immersion in Spanish culture even more real and profound, treating them as part of their own family and as their children. TANDEM Madrid takes special care in the selection of all its families, with whom we have been working for many years.

Fabiana also enjoyed with the students a visit to the Prado Museum with Sonia, our art teacher. To end the day, they enjoyed one of the best traditions in Madrid, drinking chocolate with churros all together: Fabiana Moura, teachers and students.

We hope that Miss Moura has had as good and unforgettable an experience in Madrid as the one we are having with her students.

Other articles about the Cidadão do Mundo programme

Citizen of the World, Brazilians at TANDEM: week 1

Citizen of the World, Brazilians at TANDEM: week 2

Citizen of the World, Brazilians at TANDEM: week 3

Citizen of the World, Brazilians at TANDEM: week 4

Spanish course for groups
