Lander University Academic Semester, January-April 2018

For 12 weeks we had the pleasure of conducting the academic semester for three students from Lander University (North Carolina).

Christopher, Mekensie and Joshua arrived on 20 January and will be with us until 18 April on a new 12-week academic programme, during which students study Spanish intensively and take part in a very special cultural programme. The activities of the cultural programme will focus on gastronomy, flamenco culture and the city’s neighbourhoods.

Chris, Mekensie and Joshua have participated in cooking classes, didactic market tours, talks on wine culture, the basics of flamenco dancing, dance workshops and tours of Madrid’s different neighbourhoods.

The programme is designed together with Professor Carlos Mentley, from Lander University, and the students are very happy because they have made a lot of progress in their knowledge of Spanish and have also got to know different aspects of Spanish culture at close quarters.

[We hope that more students will join this attractive programme and we would like to thank Prof. Carlos Mentley and Lander University for the trust they have placed in TANDEM to carry out this programme.

Joshua, Mekensie, Chris, you will be sorely missed! You have been great students. This is your home.

Begoña Llovet – Director

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Academic Semester in Spain
