I’m Karen Ferrari, a 40-year-old Brazilian, ex-advertiser, now sommelier, and I’ve come to live in Madrid.
I never thought that writing a text in Spanish would be so difficult. I say that not because of the language but because of the emotion I feel due to the affectionate relationship I have developed with everyone who crossed my path during these four months at TANDEM.
I come from a country where unfortunately quality education is for few, so I recognise and value its importance. In that school I did find a commitment to education. Apart from that, as a foreigner recently arrived in Spain, the welcome from all the professionals was fundamental. Also the fact that during the course some trainee teachers have participated in some classes gave me even more confidence in the seriousness of the school.
Although Portuguese and Spanish are sister languages, they are not the same. I arrived without ever having studied Spanish and today I can speak and write about complex topics fluently. In addition to the language teaching I loved the cultural approach which made the course even more interesting.
What can I say? Studying at TANDEM was a great pleasure and an enriching experience that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.
I wish I could continue studying but life goes on and I have to devote myself to other commitments. Let people who are considering coming to study at TANDEM know that it was worth it for me.
I believe that this result was possible due to a mix between the dedication I put into studying and the methodology that considers each student individually. I loved the empathetic way the teachers conducted the whole course. The weekly themes are created from the interests of the group, so the language is put in a real context, easier to assimilate. Apart from that, through the difficulties I have encountered, by verbalising them, additional explanations or exercises focused on the weak points soon followed.
I will miss a lot of people!
I have tried to convey personally, often with tears, my affection to all those whom I will not forget.
In the meantime, I can’t help but say that I found a family atmosphere in Tanden, and this is due to some people to whom I would like to dedicate a special greeting.
Without Susana, Natalia and María Jesús, the teachers with whom I had most of the classes, none of this would be possible!
Thank you very much for everything: For competence, generosity, dedication and friendship! You are phenomenal teachers and people.
Emil, who works in the administration: I am sure that a lot of the family atmosphere in the school comes from you, always willing to help in any way you can. Thank you for the attention, the receptiveness, the care and the talks about coffee!
Maria, who also works in administration, was the one who introduced me to the school.
Thank you for your attention, friendliness and responsiveness.
Sonia is in charge of taking us to the cultural programmes.
Thank you for your kindness and all the additional knowledge you have given me about the history of Spain and Spanish art. I really enjoyed the activities! I will miss them.
My classmates Jojo, Meliss and Louise. The classes would not be as enjoyable without you. I miss you already!
“Live an experience like Karla’s in Madrid”. “Sign up for a Spanish course!”.